CBD oils and their differences: what do you need to know?

CBD oils are increasingly popular worldwide, and many users have found them to have beneficial health effects. CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of more than 100 chemical compounds in hemp. Hemp is a plant in the same family as THC-containing marijuana, but it contains little or no THC, which is known for its psychoactivity. This means that CBD oils are not psychoactive and do not cause a “narcotic effect”.

In this article we will discuss the different types of CBD oils, their differences and how they affect the body.

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CBD oils and their differences: what are the different types of CBD oils?

There are many types of CBD oils, but not all are the same. Here are the main types of CBD oils you can find on the market:

  1. Full spectrum CBD oil: full spectrum CBD oil contains all the compounds of the hanahempu, including THC, but less than 0.2%. This is a legal amount of THC and does not cause a narcotic effect. Full spectrum CBD oils also contain other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN and CBC, as well as terpenes, which can provide additional benefits to the body.

  2. Broad-spectrum CBD oil: Broad-spectrum CBD oil contains most of the compounds of the hanahempu, but does not contain THC. This is a good option for those who want to make use of other compounds in hanahemp but don’t want THC.

  3. CBD isolate: CBD isolate (isolated) oil contains only CBD and no other hanahemp compounds. This is a good option for those who only want CBD and don’t want other compounds.

CBD oils and their differences: what are the differences?

Not all CBD oils are the same, and there are differences in their composition and effects on the body. Here are some of the main differences between different CBD oils:

  1. THC content: full spectrum CBD oil contains less than 0.2% THC, while broad spectrum CBD oil contains no THC at all. CBD isolate is also THC-free.

  2. Effects: in full spectrum CBD oil, THC can help enhance the effects of CBD in the body. Broadleaf CBD oil contains other compounds from the hanahempu that can provide additional benefits to the body. CBD isolate, on the other hand, contains only CBD and no other compounds. Read our detailed article on the effects of CBD on the human body here!

  3. Taste: CBD oils can taste different depending on their composition. Full spectrum CBD oil can taste a little bitter because of the presence of other compounds and terpenes in the hanahempu. Broad spectrum CBD oil can be slightly milder in taste, and CBD isolate can be almost tasteless.

  4. Shelf life: CBD oils have different shelf lives depending on their composition. Full spectrum CBD oil can last longer because THC helps protect other compounds from degradation. Broad spectrum CBD oil may have a slightly shorter shelf life because it does not contain THC. CBD isolate can also be preserved for longer because it has no other compounds.

CBD oils and their differences: how do the effects of different CBD oils differ?

As mentioned in the previous chapters, CBD oils differ in their properties. The main difference between CBD oils is that full spectrum CBD oils contain all the terpenes and flavonoids naturally occurring in hemp plants. It also contains a legal amount of THC as regulated by the EU.

In order to identify the effects of different CBD oils, it is first good to understand what terpenes and flavonoids are and how they affect the body:

  1. Terpenes:

    Terpenes are aromatic compounds that are also found in plants other than hemp. These compounds are responsible for the characteristic aroma of the plant and can also influence its effects.

    Different terpenes have different effects on the body. For example, limonene can help relieve anxiety and depression, while linalool can help relieve pain and inflammation. Myrcene, on the other hand, has a calming effect and can help relieve insomnia.

    Terpenes can also influence the effects of CBD oil in combination with cannabinoids. This is called the “entourage effect”. Studies have shown that various terpenes can enhance the effects of CBD, making them an important part of CBD oil’s therapeutic potential.

  2. Flavonoids

    Flavonoids are pigments and antioxidants in plants. Flavonoids are responsible for the plant’s colours and can help protect against environmental stressors such as UV rays and disease.

    Flavonoids may also contribute to the therapeutic effects of CBD oil. For example, kaempferol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, while quercetin has immune-boosting effects.

    Although the effects of flavonoids have not been studied as thoroughly as those of cannabinoids and terpenes, they are considered an important part of the therapeutic potential of CBD oil. The flavonoid content of CBD oil depends on the plant variety and growing conditions, but high quality CBD oil usually contains many different flavonoids.

    Together with terpenes and cannabinoids, flavonoids can enhance the therapeutic effects of CBD oil, making them an important part of the mechanism of action of CBD oil. It is important to choose a CBD oil that contains a wide range of flavonoids to benefit from their therapeutic effects. This can be ensured by choosing a quality and reliable manufacturer and checking product information.

So terpenes and flavonoids are an important part of the hemp plant and affect how CBD oil works in your body. When all the ingredients (cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes) are present at the same time, you get what is known as a multiplier effect from CBD oil. The ingredients are more effective together than separately. This is only possible with full spectrum CBD oil. However, this does not mean that there is not a place for all CBD oils.

Below you can see a summary of the differences between the different CBD oils:

  1. Full Spectrum CBD Oil
    : Full spectrum CBD oil contains all the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids found in the hemp plant. It also contains less than 0.2% THC. This means that full spectrum CBD oil contains a small amount of THC, which can help to enhance the effects of CBD.

  2. Broad spectrum CBD oil: Broad spectrum CBD oil contains all the same ingredients as full spectrum CBD oil, but without THC. This makes the effect of the CBD oil in question slightly less potent, as the lack of THC prevents the most powerful multiplier effect.
  3. CBD isolate: CBD isolate contains only CBD, with no other cannabinoids, terpenes or flavonoids. This makes the CBD oil in question the weakest of all.

CBD oils and their differences: what else should you know about CBD oils?

  1. CBD oils are not drugs: while THC is a psychoactive substance, CBD is not. CBD oils will not make you dizzy.

  2. CBD oils can be used in many different ways: CBD oils can be used in many different ways, such as ingested orally, absorbed through the skin or vaporised. Read more about the uses of CBD here!

  3. CBD oils are non-addictive: CBD oils are non-addictive and can be used safely for a long time.

  4. Dosage of CBD oils is important: Each type of CBD oil may have different dosage instructions and it is important to follow them closely. Read more about the use and dosage of CBD oils here!

  5. CBD oils may affect different people differently: although CBD oils have many health benefits, their effects may vary from person to person. Read more about how CBD affects the endocannabinoid system here!

Last words

The text above gives you an idea of how different CBD oils differ from each other.

At Arctic Oils, we are committed to quality in everything we do, whether it’s the quality of our products or our customer service. That’s why we’ve designed the highest quality full spectrum CBD oils on the market. We believe that it is CBD oil, which contains all the ingredients naturally occurring in hemp, that allows us to offer our customers the widest range of benefits.

Arctic Oils CBD products are registered at EU level and therefore legal in all member states. In addition to our own laboratory, our products are laboratory tested by an external research institute to guarantee the legality and quality of our products. We are also the only CBD company in the EU where you can pay securely with Klarna. So we offer you the option to pay only after you have received the products at your home.

We firmly believe that everyone should be able to benefit from top quality CBD without the stress of having to worry about the legality of the product or the company selling it. That’s why we created Arctic Oils just for you.

If this sounds good to you, go to the store!